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Scholarship Funds
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Scholarship Funds

In Today’s world child education is quite expensive. When a child going to school, Parents are concerned about his tuition fees. The high cost of child education and increase household expenses shake their monthly budget, hence child tuition fees are getting out of their budget.

Higher tuition fees mean more debt on parents and this restricts parents from sending their children to a good school . A great many capable students are unable to fulfil their dreams because of the rapid increase in cost of education. Even the number of drop outs is increasing because of the family expenses. This clearly depicts the dire need of scholarship opportunity in every school.

SchoTest always has believed that it is our responsibility towards society to enlighten it with the lamp of knowledge. With helping hands always ready for the families who does not earn well, SchoTest helps families who can’t afford quality education for every child. To deal out with the families who can’t afford tuition fees, SchoTest conduct online test of scholarship and offline in every registered school.

Visit our website for more information.

SchoTest provides scholarships to students of class 5th to class 12th at three different levels-

  • National level
  • State level
  • District level

The scholarships at the SchoTest are disbursed on the basis of a student’s academic merit are broadly categorized under merit-based scholarships section. So, if you are among the top rankers of your class, and looking for a scholarship to fund your education further, then “Scholars of India×´ is the perfect choice for you to mould your career and reach to the higher echelons. Among the countless benefits that scholarships provide, some easy to spot benefits are-helps one fund tuition fee , exam fees, purchase of books and other accessories, mitigate the accommodation and travelling expenses and to have better education. Scholarship even adds charisma to your personality as it gives you respect and appreciation from all around. Believe it or not, earning scholarship does help you in getting jobs as you can mention about it in your resume and companies are more than happy to learn about your achievements and reward you accordingly. So if you have a chance to grab the Scholarship, then you must not let go this opportunity.

High-quality child education enables parents to go to work with belief that their children are in safe, nurturing & learning atmosphere, receiving quality education and life-affirming experiences.  If parents cannot afford quality education for their child- because they do not earn enough or have lost their jobs or have had their working hours reduced – their children and all of society suffers. So we must come together and help spread the “Scholars of India×´: a  scholarship programme in india of SchoTest, so that its benefits reaches to all those who have been left behind in the society.




Scholarship in India, Scholars of India, Education, Scholarship


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