National School Index

National School Index

Schools must establish an environment that enables students to create, develop and implement new ideas that will allow them to progress and grow. National School Index prepared by SchoTest assesses the ability of schools to provide high levels of education to their students. It presents a framework and a corresponding set of indicators in two principal categories i.e. feature’s rating and school ranking. This, in turn, depicts how productively a school uses its resources.

Feature’s rating includes infrastructure, medical facility, accommodations, library, canteen, sports activities and many more while School Ranking is given on the basis of five parameters which are Classroom, Student-Teacher Ratio, Past Results, Alumni and Faculty.

In the National School Index, all school features are essential for all round development of students but if a school lacks certain features, it won't have a great impact on your ratings. But the school ranking which consists of five parameters is predominant in nurturing a learning atmosphere and will determine the ranking of your institution.

Further, the feature's rating is provided by calculating the average of SchoTest ratings and students' ratings. You can upgrade your ratings by registration of students under the ‘Scholars of India׳, as only registered students have the right to rate your institution. Along with this, you can enhance your ratings by upgrading your school features. Our Business Development Executives (BDEs) will make a visit to your school and inspect and analyse different parameters along with marking your school's features. Institutions will be rated broadly at three different levels- district, state and national.

National School Index is aimed to help schools, students, and parents to make the right choices before they delve into details of each individual school. Our products, programs, and services leverage domain expertise, state-of-the-art technology, and professional analytics to provide insight into current performance, emerging trends, and best practices in the areas of institutional structure, operations, and programs.

NSI will facilitate schools compare themselves and present opportunities to improve further so that better standards of learning is promoted. This will in return help students get superior quality of education and other amenities. Even parents get to know about the school suitable for their children's holistic education. NSI's main role is to promote quality education and create an environment favourable for learning and growth.

What National School Index has for Schools and Institutions?

We all know that the role of technology is growing rapidly in every aspect of our life so SchoTest realizes that in this era of technology, there is unlimited scope for an institution like your ones. So, from infusing your institution with the best technology to providing expert solutions for database management, website enhancement, software support and all other academic services, SchoTest gives an opportunity to all the institutions to enhance their teaching-learning methods by registering on our portal.

How do students get the benefit of the National School Index?

National School Index will help students comprehend the problem of selecting the best school for themselves as they can easily compare the ranking of various schools. Along with this, they can even come to know about the features that a school provides. Further, in case of difficulty of choosing between two or three schools, there is a mechanism in the NSI whereby they can compare different parameters of the schools. This will help the student get proper information about which school, he must study and evolve his personality and have holistic growth. This not only creates a better learning environment but also takes learning to a whole new level.

What National School Index has for parents?

By guiding Parents and Guardians, we assist students to excel in their progress path. With thousands of schools lined up on a single platform from every corner of India, SchoTest equips parents and students with National School Index to assess, compare, evaluate and choose the best school in their vicinity on various parameters such as students' performance, teaching-learning standards, infrastructure, services and so on.

Basic Parameters

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    Class Room:
    Classroom-Students just as teachers spend their lion's share of their time in the classroom. More
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    Student Teacher Ratio:

    Student-Teacher Ratio is the number of students per teacher in an institute. It isb More

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    Past Result:
    A man is known by his deeds, similarly, schools are known by their past results. Results More
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    Alumni are the brand-ambassadors of the schools they studied from. They are the products More

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    Students report higher levels of engagement and learning at schools where faculty members use More