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Why should you make your children learn their mother tongue?
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Why should you make your children learn their mother tongue?

Did you know that 21st February is observed as the International Mother Language Day? 
Its is much evidence that the basic unit of verbal communication is language. Be it an exchange of thoughts or emotions, language plays an important role plays an important part of communication. A child is first introduced to non-verbal communication at infancy and later grown to absorb from their surrounding, the language spoken at home, their native language. Language is the quintessence of a culture; ones' mother tongue is considered to be preserved as many languages are said to be categorized as endangered. Apart from this, ones' native language helps them to understand their social and cultural identity. The study has shown that a child who has a clearer understanding of his/her mother tongue is seen to have developed a buoyant attitude towards academics at schools. Besides academic growth, it also serves career-oriented skill. 

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While your child goes on to grow up in a multilingual school environment and learn the languages in the designed curriculum, it is vital to maintain the practice of communicating in your native language
If one is well versed with their mother tongue, it is said that learning other languages becomes easier as language learning skills, critical thinking and literary skills are enhanced. 

Study shows that children who are taught in their own native language are said to have higher self-esteem and also helps the child inculcate a healthy parent-child relationship. Having multiple languages to communicate can push one to explore multiple dimensions of linguistics and communication. Education is not just bound to textbooks and internet but the surrounding and household are ones' primary learning cultivation. In the present time, globally spoken languages have taken over the usage and learning practices of regional languages. Thus, now is the time to observe and encourage an environment wherein students learn through multilingualism practices. 



Scholarship in India, Scholars of India, Education, Scholarship


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