Why Indian Institutions Need Education Consulting Enterprises Now.
15 Nov, 2020.
Indian institutions are rapidly ensnaring with different institutions and multinational nicest methods but there are unique challenges that yet require to be dealt with.

5 Career Options For Kids Learning Robotics At School.
13 Nov, 2020.
<span;>Robotics is quickly coming to be an extremely substantial field in science and academies are now educating the similar to children from a fresh age. Here are five p

Advantages Of Acquiring Debate Skills
07 Nov, 2020.
Educating pupils to debate nurtures the 21st-century capabilities of creativeness, meaningful reasoning, communication, and partnership.

Mathematics genius Srinivasa Ramanujan.
06 Nov, 2020.
An equation means nothing to me unless it expresses a thought of God.
- Srinivasa Ramanujan
Srinivasa Ramanujan (Indian mathematician) was b

Innovations in Education
02 Nov, 2020.

Safety in schools : Need of the hour
17 Sep, 2020.
Kids are as tender and sensitive as a flower and apple of their parents’ eyes. Parents keep no stones unturned to ensure the

CBSE Deleted 30% Syllabus For Class 11 Academic Session 2020-21.
11 Sep, 2020.
In the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, CBSE Class 11 Syllabus for the session 2020-21 has been ameliorated by 30% for various subjects regards

E learning – merits and demerits
06 Sep, 2020.
‘If you want to make anything smarter and more user friendly , just put an ‘e’ in front of it’

Explained: The New Education Policy & It's Reforms.
02 Sep, 2020.
The Government of India has remodelled the current National Policy on Education, with the National Education Policy of 2020 (NEP).
The Union Cabinet has authori